I wish to send Python script a definition file (with key and value pairs) which it should translate into an htm开发者_StackOverflowl table using templates.
For example: say that the definitions file def.txt contain the following lines:
build number: 5513
build date: 12/09/2011
I want it to be able to read it easily (iterate on each line) and create a data table. something like:
<tr> <td> build number </td> <td> 5515 </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> build date </td> <td> 12/09/2011</td> </tr>
I want it to work for N lines in definition file. I don't care about the definition file format...
Any suggestions?
>>> l = [i.split(": ") for i in open("def.txt")] #read and parse the input
>>> l #here is what we got
[['build number', '5513'], ['build date', '12/09/2011']]
>>> with open("out.txt", "w") as f: #open the out file
... f.write("<tbl>\n")
... for k, v in l: #iterate and write
... f.write("<tr><td>{}</td><td>{}</td></tr>\n".format(k, v))
... f.write("</tbl>\n")
config module