I saw this post about adding parameters to a member action route:
Rails3 Routes - Passing parameter to a member route
And the routing works great when I enter the full URL manually: www.whatever.com/resource/:resource_id/action/:action_parameter
Is there a convenient path helper I can use to link to this in my views? For example, if it is just an ordinary member ac开发者_如何转开发tion WITHOUT a parameter, I can use
Is there an equivalent with the extra parameter?
You can specify a url helper with the as
resources :foos do
collection do
get 'bar/:resource_id', :action => :bar, :as => 'bar'
The route that gets generated will look like:
$ rake routes | grep bar
bar_foos GET /foos/bar/:resource_id(.:format) {:action=>"bar", :controller=>"foos"}
You can use that like:
bar_foos_path(:resource_id => @resource.id)