i am trying to regex a difficult link
preg_match_all('/<a[^>]*href\s*=\s*(["\'])(.*?)\1[^>]*>\s+TEXTTOFIND+(.*?)\s*<\/a>/', '<a href="http://subdomain.BLABLABLA.net/de/cgi/g.fcgi/BLABLABLA/print?folder=inbox&uid=U3RlcClzESBNZK9SDGsmQ05yIJTj7Eax&CUSTOMERNO=124332225&t=de1142311604.1315866430.20ba8551" style="margin-right: 10px;" title=""BLABLABLA.net Registrierung" <register@gutefrage.net>">"TEXTTOFIND.net R...
</a>', $match);
BLABLABLA is only a test to hide the real page :)
all I want is to find the URL of link with "TEXTTOFIND"
but it doesn't work :(
You should be using a DOM parser to do this, not regular expressions. But if you want to do it the wrong way anyway, it looks like one of the reasons it isn't working is that you're trying to match:
... [^>]*>\s+TEXTTOFIND ...
But your test string is:
Note the double quote "
between the right angle bracket and your TEXTTOFIND string. The modifier from your regex, \s+
, will not match this.
at first, try read docs, you miss 2nd parameter
at second, hello Alex :)
at 3rd \s+ you can change to . at some ... happens(sorry for my english)