Specifically with Java, tough the solution should开发者_高级运维 basically work with other languages.
For example, 12345 would return 3.
Recursive solution:
double averageDigits(int number, int sum, int count) {
if(number==0) {
if(count==0) {
return 0;
return ((double) sum) / ((double) count);
else {
return averageDigits(number/10, sum + number % 10, ++count);
If you have only integer numbers you might want to check mod "%" and simple division "/" and combine it with a loop to count and sum the number parts.
in pseudo code:
split the number in a list of digeds and then calc the avg recursiv
double avg(List<Integer> list) {
if(list.length==0) return 0;
else return (list.get(0)+ (avg(list.sublist(1)*(lisr.length()-1)))
Don't know about java, in javascript, this would work
function avrg(arr){
avrg.arr = avrg.arr || arr.slice();
avrg.l = avrg.l || 1/arr.length;
return arr.length ? (avrg.l*avrg.arr.pop()+avrg(avrg.arr)) : 0;
public String getAverage(String num) {
try {
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return "Invalid number";
int length = num.length();
int total;
int i;
String[] digits = num.split("");
for (String s : digits) {
i = Integer.parseInt(s);
total += i;
return (total / length).toString();
This does the trick:
public class DigitAverage {
public static void main(String[] args) {
private static double digitAverage(int remainder, int... depth) {
boolean first = false;
if (depth.length == 0) {
depth = new int[] { 1 };
first = true;
} else {
depth[0] = depth[0] + 1;
if (remainder < 10) {
return remainder;
double result = remainder % 10 + digitAverage(remainder / 10, depth);
if (first) {
result = result / depth[0];
return result;
Notice this function only requires the number as input, no internal 'bookkeeping' parameters of the recursion have be initialized by the caller.