I have a problems with my django api. I have a website that works well, and now I want make a api with django-piston to make a android app. When I try to get some data, and I sent some key in the url, the handlers of my api project are empty, these are my urls.py and handlers.py inside api app.
from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from piston.resource import Resource
from myproject.api.handlers import ProgramadorHandler
from myproject.api.handlers import UserHandler
from myproject.api.handlers import GetProgHandler
from myproject.api.handlers import GetUserHandler
prog_handler = Resource(ProgramadorHandler)
user_handler = Resource(UserHandler)
get_prog_handler = Resource(GetProgHandler)
get_user_handler = Resource(GetUserHandler)
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^1.0/(?P<username>)\w+/(?P<password>)\w+/(?P<api_key>)\d+/programadores.(?P<emitter_format>.+)$', prog_handler),
url(r'^1.0/(?P<username>)\w+/(?P<password>)\w+/(?P<api_key>)\d+/programadores/(?P<prog_id>\d+)/prog.(?P<emitter_format>.+)$', get_prog_handler),
url(r'^1.0/(?P<username>)\w+/(?P<password>)\w+/(?P<api_key>)\d+/usuarios.(? P<emitter_format>.+)$', user_handler),
url(r'^1.0/(?P<username>)\w+/(?P<password>)\w+/(?P<api_key>)\d+/user.(? P<emitter_format>.+)$', get_user_handler),
And this is my handlers.py
from piston.handler import BaseHandler
from piston.utils import rc, HttpStatusCode
from myproject.web.models import *
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate
class ProgramadorHandler(BaseHandler):
allowed_methods = ('GET',)
model = Programador
def read(self, request, username, password, api_key):
user = authenticate(username=username, password=password)
# if (api_key != 29010):
# return rc.FORBIDDEN
if user is not None:
return Programador.objects开发者_如何学Go.filter(nombre="Programador completo 2")
return Programador.objects.all()
class GetProgHandler(BaseHandler):
allowed_methods = ('GET',)
model = Programador
def read(self, request, username, password, api_key, prog_id):
user = authenticate(username=username, password=password)
if user is None or (api_key != 29010):
return rc.FORBIDDEN
return Programador.objects.all()
class UserHandler(BaseHandler):
allowed_methods = ('GET',)
model = Usuario
def read(self, request, username, password, api_key):
user = authenticate(username=username, password=password)
if(api_key != 29010):
return rc.FORBIDDEN
return Usuario.objects.all()
class GetUserHandler(BaseHandler):
allowed_methods = ('GET',)
model = Usuario
def read(self, request, username, password, api_key):
#user = authenticate(username=username, password=password)
# if (api_key != 29010):
# user = "hola"
#return rc.FORBIDDEN
return Usuario.objects.get(username="ersame")
How I can fix that?
I think you may have your regex's wrong in urls.py. The pattern specifier for the groups need to be inside the parenthesis, for example,
instead of:
url(r'^1.0/(?P<username>)\w+/(?P<password>)\w+/(?P<api_key>)\d+/programadores.(?P<emitter_format>.+)$', prog_handler), ...
url(r'^1.0/(?P<username>\w+)/(?P<password>\w+)/(?P<api_key>\d+)/programadores.(? P<emitter_format>.+)$', prog_handler), ...