I've been googling and trying to find some answers to this, but haven't been successful. This used to work just fine.
I am using wordpress and a WP FB Like Plugin to create the like button on my site and link it back to the FB app I created using the open graph system so that when you hit "like" on a page on my website it should show up in the newsfeed. Now, it only shows up in the newsfeed if I write a comment. If I just hit like and no comment, it only shows up on my wall. Is this something new with FB? I have tested on my own personal FB page and created a new test FB page (that isn't an admin on my business page) to see if th开发者_Python百科ere was a difference (nope, same problem).
Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
On my FB, when I hit the like button on a website (my phpBB forum for example), it never shows up in the news feed, but it shows up on my wall (hit "Profile"). It shows up on everyone else's newsfeed, then I think it will show up on yours if people leave comments.
As I recall, it used to work a little differently, so I don't think you're crazy, but this is how it works for me now.
You may have better luck asking your question here: https://webmasters.stackexchange.com/