Possible Duplicate:
Why are private virtual methods illegal in C#?
I have the following code in C#, and Visual Studio is complaining in the Derived class that i cant declare a virtual/ abstract member private.. but i am not .. so does anyone have some ideas? Thanks
public class Base
private const string Name= "Name1";
protected virtual string Member1
return Name;
public class Derived: Base
private const string Name= "Name2";
protected override string Member1
return Name;
Unable to reproduce, having fixed the case of "Class" and provided method bodies:
class Base
protected virtual string Member1() { return null; }
class Derived : Base
protected override string Member1() { return null; }
This compiles with no warnings.
If you were trying to declare fields as virtual, you'd get:
Test.cs(11,30): error CS0106: The modifier 'virtual' is not valid for this item
Test.cs(17,31): error CS0106: The modifier 'override' is not valid for this item
virtual method has to have a body:
public class Base
protected virtual string Member1()
return "";
public class Derived: Base
protected override string Member1()
return "this is the ovveride";