I'm running a Windows 7 x64 machine when I do not compile for x64 I get an exception and my ListView just get populated with the first two non x64 processes.
That is I cannot access MainModule Property of a 64 bit process to get it's full path.
foreach(Process p in listaProcessi)
tempItem = new ListViewItem(p.Id.ToString());
I still can make it work compiling for x64 but suppose I want to compile just for x86, how do I avoid getting the excpetion ?
1) Is there any other way to discover those processes path ?
2) I could write a line like "You cannot get x64 Process path from x86 App", but still I don't have to run into the exception. How do I prevent this ? Can I check the process for a particular info so I can replace the text and avoid accessing MainModule ?
A 32 bit processes cannot access modules of a 64 bit process.
So it must be compiled for AnyCpu to be fully working in both x86 and x64 environments.