I have a problem in my jsp page. I use Spring security and I need to get a name of the authentificated user, for this I use the next tag
<security:authentication property="name" />
I need to compare this value with other String, how can I do this? I thought I can set this value to some parameter like
<c:set var="userName" value="<security:authentication property='name'/>"scope="page" /&g开发者_JS百科t;
and then to compare my values
<c:when test="${(params.userSelect.login eq pageScope.userName)}">
but this doesn't work. I get the name from <security:authentication property="name" />
(I can view it on jsp page), but I can't compare this values.
c:set can take the content of the body in as the value.
<c:set var="userName"><security:authentication property="name" /></c:set>