This snippet...
tt_content.stdWrap.innerWrap >
tt_content.textpic.stdWrap.innerWrap = <li style="background:url({TSFE:baseUrl}uploads/media/{field:image})">|</li>
tt_content.textpic.stdWrap.innerWrap.insertData = 1
...does actually work fine. The result is:
<li style="background:url(,overlay.png,firstimage.png)">...</li>
Well... cool.jpg, overlay.png, firstimage.png you can see above. It actually reads all available images (3 images in this case) from the content object's media field. But I want only the first image. (which should be image 0, firstimage.png)
Is there a way to achive this with a command like this pseudo code: {field:image:0}, {fie开发者_C百科ld:image,1}, {field:image, listNum:1}?
Thank you for your advice. = )
Did you examine the import function of stdWrap?
This returns the first image in the field "image" from the data-array:
.import = uploads/pics/
.import.field = image
.import.listNum = 0
You would of course need to change the import folder to uploads/media, and wrap your li tag around the result, but you should get the item you want this way.