I have an applet and I want to add a jbutton. The problem is the button is too big, I already used the setSize() method but still it doesn't work. Perhaps the setting of setSize could might be wrong.
could someone got an idea about this problem?
private JButton newGame = new JButton("New Game");
private JButton players = new JButton("Players");
private JButton quit = new JButton("Quit");
public void init()
Container content = getContentPane();
content.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
mainPanel = new JPanel();
setSize(400, 400);
Please check the layout manager you are using for your container (panel, frame, applet..). This plays a major role in defining the size & position of components (like JButton
See also in the Java Tutorial for more details:
- Using Layout Managers.
- The Laying Out Components Within a Container lesson.
Add JPanel into your applet and then add JButton to it
The tree code conception is
JApplet (GridLayout) <- JPanel (FlowLayout) <- JButton (setSize(new Dimension(x,y)))
Good Luck