I am working on some data structures in java and I am a little stuck on how to split this string into two integers. Basically the user will enter a string like '1200:10'. I used indexOf
to check if there is a :
present, but now I need to take the number before the colon and set it to val
and set the other number to rad
. I think I should be using the substring
or parseInt
methods, bu开发者_开发技巧t am unsure. The code below can also be viewed at http://pastebin.com/pJH76QBb
import java.util.Scanner; // Needed for accepting input
public class ProjectOneAndreD
public static void main(String[] args)
String input1;
char coln = ':';
int val=0, rad=0, answer=0, check1=0;
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); //creates new scanner class
System.out.println(" This is Project 1. Enjoy! "); //title
System.out.println("Enter a number, : and then the radix, followed by the Enter key.");
System.out.println("INPUT EXAMPLE: 160:2 {ENTER} "); //example
System.out.print("INPUT: "); //prompts user input.
input1 = keyboard.nextLine(); //assigns input to string input1
System.out.println("I think you forgot the ':'.");
System.out.println("found ':'");
Substring would work, but I would recommend looking into String.split.
The split command will make an array of Strings, which you can then use parseInt to get the integer value of.
String.split takes a regex string, so you may not want to just throw in any string in it.
Try something like this:
, where |
is the character that splits the two portions of the string.
The two backslashes will tell Java you want that exact character, not the regex interpretation of |. This only really matters for some characters, but it's safer.
Source: http://www.rgagnon.com/javadetails/java-0438.html
Hopefully this gets you started.
make this
System.out.println("I think you forgot the ':'.");
String numbers [] = input1.split(":"); //if the user enter 1123:2342 this method
// return array of String which contains two elements numbers[0] = "1123" and numbers[1]="2342"
System.out.print("first number = "+ numbers[0]);
System.out.print("Second number = "+ numbers[1]);
You knew where :
is occurs using indexOf. Let's say string length is n and the :
occurred at index i
. Then ask for substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex) from 0 to i-1 and i+1 to n-1. Even simpler is to use String::split