Hi I have this sentence
$g->addButton('')->set('NEW ACTIVITY')->js('click')->univ()->redirect('开发者_运维知识库newactivity');
Is it possible to call the "redirect" method and passing parameters via $_GET ? so in the page "newactivity" I can ask for $_GET['something'] ?
Something like this
$g->addButton('')->set('NEW ACTIVITY')->js('click')->univ()->redirect('newactivity?id=1'); (this doesn't work)
$g->addButton('')->set('NEW ACTIVITY')->js('click')->univ()->redirect('newactivity','id=1');
What you need is to properly build destination URL.
using stickyGET will affect ALL the urls you are going to produce form this point on. So if you add 2 links, each of them would be passing ID.
stickyGET is better if you need to pass argument which was already passed through GET, such as
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