I'm writing code that will, when a button is clicked, display some simple text (a changes log), and then when clicked again 开发者_如何学编程will hide it.
The trick here is that I'd like to keep that change log in a separate file, and call it for display. I've got code like follows:
echo "<input type=\"button\" id=\"recentchanges\" value=\"Show/Hide Recent Changes\" /></br><span id=\"changestext\"></span>";
$('#recentchanges').click(function() {
So my questions are. 1. How can I hide/show by clicks? It doesn't look like .toggle() is what I want.. but perhaps it is.. And 2. How can I call data from a separate file? (and as part of that question, should it be a txt file or an html file? Should I have the text formatted with html, or just raw text?)
to your first question
to your second
$.get('texts/recentchanges.txt', function(data){
of the your block:$('#recentchanges').click(function() { $('#changestext').toggle(); });
or GET request to the file$.ajax({ type: "GET", url: file, async: false, success: function(data){ $('#changestext').text(data); } });
$('#changestext').load('test/recentchanges.txt', function()
$(this).hide(); // You can only click it if it's visible
If you have a series of items, such as a Q&A or FAQ, this is a simple pattern to follow. You can put the hidden text inline.
<a class="question" href="javascript://">Question 1</a>
<div class="answer" style="display:none">--- some text --</div>
<br /><a class="question" href="javascript://">Question 2</a>
<div class="answer" style="display:none">--- some text --</div>
$('a.question').click(function() {