As part of an Excel Workbook Template a Dictionary object (from开发者_如何学Python the Scripting Runtime Library) is created and added to. Is it possible to save this in some way along with the Workbook such that it is available on starting up the Workbook, or should I just export the data to a worksheet and save it, then reload it in the next time?
I reckon a worksheet is the best bet. You might like to use the very hidden option, which means the sheet can only be made visible by code.
For example:
Worksheets("System").Visible = xlVeryHidden
Why not save it to a file?
Sub Save_Dict(aDict As Scripting.Dictionary, FileitAs As String, Data_ID As String)
Dim one, SaveStr() As String, s As Long
ReDim SaveStr(aDict.Count)
SaveStr(0) = Data_ID
s = 0
For Each one In aDict
s = s + 1
SaveStr(s) = one & vbBack & aDict(one)
Next one
Write Join(SaveStr, vbCrLf)) to FileitAs 'Method of choice
End Sub
sub Get_Dict(aDict as Scripting.Dictionary, FiledAs as String, Data_ID as String) as Long
Dim one, SavedString, nLng as long, i as integer
Read SavedString from FiledAs - 'Method of choice
SavedString = split(SavedString, vbCrLf)
If Ubound(SavedString) =>0 then
Data_ID = SavedString(0)
For nLng = 1 to ubound(SavedString)
i = instr(SavedString(nLng),vbBack)
adict.add left(SavedString(nLng),i-1, Mid(SavedString(nLng),i+1)
next Nlng
End If
End Sub