I need to acces (create and read) a file from a JAR file (executable jar), and that file should be created in the same directory as the JAR
I tried
but since the jar has packages in it, it won't work..
I also tried write just
File f = new File("myFile");
and that works if i execute the JAR from the terminal, but if i execute the JAR by double-clicking it, the file is created in my home directory -.-''
how do i access a file being SURE that that file is in the SAME directory as the JAR file?
(of course also getting the jar absolute path would do the trick since i can get the parent folder from it)开发者_开发问答
This will give you the full path to the Jar:
String path = this.getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath();
EDIT: sorry, was in javascript mode when I wrote that :). As was so politely requested, in a static method you should be able to do this:
String path = Me.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath();
(where the class name is Me