Can you do something like this in a velocity template?
#set ($map = $myobject.getMap() )
#foreach ($mapEntry in $map.entrySet())
it outputs blank tags like so:
What am I doing wrong?
Your mistake is referring to key and value as methods (with trailing "()" parenthesis) instead of as properties. Try this:
#set ($map = $myobject.getMap() )
#foreach ($mapEntry in $map.entrySet())
In other words, use either a property, like mapEntry.key, or the method, like mapEntry.getKey().
I'm looking for a way to loop through a HashMap in velocity, and this will work too.
#set ($map = $myobject.getMap())
#foreach( $key in $map.keySet())
Just like the way you would loop through a HashMap in java.
To clarify (I cannot comment), in general you can use either the Java get methods, or replace them by the corresponding name without with a small letter and without ()
So $mapEntry.getKey()
or map.key
Here the Value
So , we need to iterate the group of value;
foreach ($key in ${itemsValue.keySet()})
In the above code we can see check the value will be like -"data1,data2 etc ..." but after using the get(), we can able to get the instance value.