Im trying to use a hashref of hashes to store a persistant field and a timestamp of when that field was changed.
It needs to be shared though as I have 2 threads that are required to access it although only one sets the values.
here is my current code with several commented out variations:
my $status = {};
sub get_status {
my($raid) = @_;
return $status->{$raid}->{status} if exists $status->{$raid};
return 1;
sub set_status {
my($raid,$newstatus) = @_;
my %t;
$t{status} = $newstatus;
$t{timestamp} = Time::HiRes::time;
$status->{$raid} = \%t;
#$status->{$raid} = {
#status => $newstatus,
#timestamp => Time::HiRes::time()
#$status->{$raid}->{timestamp} = Time::HiRes::time;
return 1;
I continually get Invalid value for shared scalar at ./hashtest line 19.
Could anyone help please :D?
This perlmonks page should explain the problem. One of the posts claims:
You can share nested hash, as long as the internal hashes are also marked as shared.
You can try something like this:
share( %t );
$status->{ $raid } = \%t;