I have the following package Makefile:
include ${GOROOT}/src/Make.inc
include ${GOROOT}/src/Make.pkg
I changed TARG and DEPS today to point to the Google code repository as shown above, following this advice.
The problem is: I can goinstall the package and it will install the dependency, but I cannot use gotest or gomake anymore; I get the following error (using Go r59):
moraes@yukon:~/dev/repos/gorilla/gorilla/mux$ gotest
rm -f _test/gorilla.googlecode.com/hg/gorilla/mux.a
make -C gorilla.googlecode.com/hg/gorilla/context install
make: *** gorilla.googlecode.com/hg/gorilla/context: No such file or directory. Stop.
make: *** [gorilla.googlecode.com/hg/gorilla/context.make] Error 2
gotest: "/home/moraes/dev/repos/go/go.r59/bin/gomake testpackage GOTESTFILES=mux_test.go" failed: exit status 2
I tried goinstalling the dependency first (goinstall gorilla.googlecode.com/hg/gorilla/context
), and it installs correctly in $GOROOT/pkg but the same error occurs with gote开发者_运维技巧st/gomake.
I think I'm missing something pretty basic. How should I proceed to use gomake/gotest with the Makefile above? Is this supposed to work at all, or should I use a different one for development?
goinstall doesn't use the Makefile at all. Instead, it will parse dependencies directly from your .go files.
To specify dependencies, annotate your import lines with a "normalised" reference to the dependency. eg.
import (
gorilla_context "gorilla.googlecode.com/hg/gorilla/context"
gomake doesn't automatically resolve dependencies though, so you'll have to manually install them.
Similarly, for installing cgo source with goinstall, you can specify CFLAGS and LDFLAGS in comment directives. eg.
#cgo CFLAGS: -I/usr/local/include
#cgo LDFLAGS: -L/usr/local/lib -lzmq
#include <zmq.h>
import "C"
I think the Makefile is trying to find the file gorilla.googlecode.com/hg/gorilla/context in the current directory. Also, why would you want to specify it in a make file as opposed to importing it from within the Source?