Java 7 GA was released July 28 but there where some Hotspot problems affecting loops to be miscompiled (advised by some guys from the Apache Lucene & Apache Solr community).
I want to know if we're talking about a isolate bug or is better to wait a little longer.
Anyway, It is a workaround disable these optimizations in HotSpot (enabled by default) if performance is not critical. ? I would love to see sample codes that cause this bug , because I haven't reproduce it yet.
All suggestions are welcome.
I want to know if we're talking about a isolated bug or is better to wait a little longer.
That question is not objectively answerable:
It depends on your circumstances; i.e. how critical problems in production would be to you and whether you can easily roll back.
It requires people to predict the existence (or otherwise) of unreported / unpublicized bugs that would be a show-stopper for you.
The one thing we can predict with confidence is that there ARE other bugs in Java 7, just like there ARE bugs in Java 6 and earlier versions.