
Kohana 3.2 ORM and PDO

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-02 23:58 出处:网络
I am giving Kohana a try and I was trying to use the ORM + PDO + MySQL database, and I don\'t seem to find an answer in google or SO.

I am giving Kohana a try and I was trying to use the ORM + PDO + MySQL database, and I don't seem to find an answer in google or SO.

I have both the d开发者_Python百科atabase and ORM modules enabled, and I have set PDO as default in modules/database/config/database.php

I have a simple controller, and a simple model:

MODEL application/classes/model/blogpost.php:

class Model_Blogpost extends ORM {
    protected $_table_name  = 'blog_post'; 

CONTROLLER: in application/classes/controller/welcome.php

<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');

class Controller_Welcome extends Controller {

  public function action_index() {

    $Blog_Post = ORM::factory('blogpost');    // ==> ERROR HERE

    $Blog_Post->name = 'test1';
    $Blog_Post->description = 'this is a quick test';
    $Blog_Post->content = 'The content goes here....';

    $id = $Blog_Post->id;

    $Blog_Post = ORM::factory('blogpost', $id);
    $view->Blog_Post = $Blog_Post;

} // End Welcome

I get the following error when I try to run the test:

Kohana_Exception [ 0 ]: Database method list_columns is not supported by Kohana_Database_PDO

I have done a search in google and Stack Overflow, and my impression is that ORM may not work with PDO, is this correct? or am I missing something?

Thank you.

list_columns is used for ORM to get all the columns in a table when they are not specified. To get around this, you can specify the table columns in the _table_columns protected property:

class Model_Blogpost extends ORM {
  protected $_table_name  = 'blog_post';
  protected $_table_columns = array(
    'column1' => NULL,
    'column2' => NULL,
    // ...
    'columnx' => NULL,

This will ensure that list_columns is not called. The downside is that you will have to keep track of every change to the table you make. The upside is that an extra SHOW FULL COLUMNS query is not called, meaning a small performance boost.

Another way is to override the list_columns method and provide your own means of listing columns with it.

here. Sometimes Kohana's docs can be confusing - never fear! the source code, while it might sound scary, is FULL with comments and actually serves as a really good docs.

I just snagged the latest Kohana 3.3, and here's a link to help see why PDO isn't natively supported with ORM: http://dev.kohanaframework.org/issues/3412 Namely,

There is no agnostic way to implement listing tables and columns.

So, uh I took a moment to try to support it since describing every table sounded like a lot of work, though that answer is appreciated!

So, in your MODPATH or APPPATH (depending on where you load your database stuff) make a new file at %above%/classes/Database/PDO/MySQL.php

<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');

class Database_PDO_MySQL extends Database_PDO {
    public function list_columns($table, $like = NULL, $add_prefix = TRUE)
            // Quote the table name
            $table = ($add_prefix === TRUE) ? $this->quote_table($table) : $table;

            if (is_string($like))
                    // Search for column names
                    $result = $this->query(Database::SELECT, 'SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM '.$table.' LIKE '.$this->quote($like), FALSE);
                    // Find all column names
                    $result = $this->query(Database::SELECT, 'SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM '.$table, FALSE);

            $count = 0;
            $columns = array();
            foreach ($result as $row)
                    list($type, $length) = $this->_parse_type($row['Type']);

                    $column = $this->datatype($type);

                    $column['column_name']      = $row['Field'];
                    $column['column_default']   = $row['Default'];
                    $column['data_type']        = $type;
                    $column['is_nullable']      = ($row['Null'] == 'YES');
                    $column['ordinal_position'] = ++$count;

                    switch ($type) //was $column['type']
                            case 'float':
                                    if (isset($length))
                                            list($column['numeric_precision'], $column['numeric_scale']) = explode(',', $length);
                            case 'int':
                                    if (isset($length))
                                            // MySQL attribute
                                            $column['display'] = $length;
                           case 'string':
                                    switch ($column['data_type'])
                                            case 'binary':
                                            case 'varbinary':
                                                    $column['character_maximum_length'] = $length;
                                            case 'char':
                                            case 'varchar':
                                                    $column['character_maximum_length'] = $length;
                                            case 'text':
                                            case 'tinytext':
                                            case 'mediumtext':
                                            case 'longtext':
                                                    $column['collation_name'] = $row['Collation'];
                                            case 'enum':
                                            case 'set':
                                                    $column['collation_name'] = $row['Collation'];
                                                    $column['options'] = explode('\',\'', substr($length, 1, -1));

                    // MySQL attributes
                    $column['comment']      = $row['Comment'];
                    $column['extra']        = $row['Extra'];
                    $column['key']          = $row['Key'];
                    $column['privileges']   = $row['Privileges'];

                    $columns[$row['Field']] = $column;

            return $columns;

What this is really, is me copying the %MODPATH%/database/classes/Kohana/databases/MySQL.php list_column and doing one tweak ($type instead of $column['type']) and it appears to work the little bit I've tested so far.

SECOND, you need to use the new driver. This is done by changing your %path%/database/config/database.php 'type' field from PDO to PDO_MySQL.

Let me know if this isn't clear, or if you see issues.



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