
Summarize grouping by year and month

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-02 22:59 出处:网络
I have a worksheet Movements with two fields: mydate| amount 2009-01-01| 10.00 2009-01-02| 13.00 2009-02-01| 11.00

I have a worksheet Movements with two fields:

mydate      | amount
2009-01-01  | 10.00
2009-01-02  | 13.00
2009-02-01  | 11.00
2009-02-05  | 12.00
2009-02-08  | 52.00

I want to have in another worksheet MonthSum that displays the sums of the data in the column amount grouped by year+month of the column date:

mydate      | amount
2009-01     | 23.00
2009-02     | 75.00

I don't want to specify the cells where the spreadsheet has to sum, I want a generic formula to group my data per month+year. If I was on a MySQL database I would simply do:

SELECT DATE_FORMAT('%Y-%m', mydate), SUM(amount) 
FROM mytable GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT('%Y-%m', mydate)

I need the solution to work on Google Spreadsheets.

I think that possible solutions would be using SUMIF or pivot tables or Google Spreadshe开发者_运维知识库ets QUERY function.

This is what pivot tables are for.

I have created an example using your data.

First, add a column to format the date as your monthly string, eg "2009-01" with the formula:


Summarize grouping by year and month

Then highlight the data, and choose "data" > "pivot table report..."

Summarize grouping by year and month

For Rows, select "month"

Summarize grouping by year and month

For Values, select "amount"

Summarize grouping by year and month

TADA! That's it!

Summarize grouping by year and month

For a quick overview of pivot tables, see this Google blog post.

You can do it with an array formula, i put the formula in A2 and in A1, i put the month number:


See the doc in action in Google Spreadsheet

[EDIT] If you want both year and month:


in addition to contribution from JMax, let me present the following formula using the QUERY function ...

=query(index('Sheet3'!A:B); "select year(Col1)+(month(Col1)+1)/100,sum(Col2) where Col1 is not null group by year(Col1)+(month(Col1)+1)/100 label year(Col1)+(month(Col1)+1)/100 'mydate',sum(Col2) 'amount' ")

Notes: I have assumed the original data is in Sheet3 and my result presents the year and month combinationas yyyy.mm instead of yyyy-mm I have created an illustration:

Summarize grouping by year and month

The answer of matt burns and Cœur is pretty accurate and I would like to add a comment (I did not add it on the comment section as it is quite long)

You may want to use this formula instead: DATE(YEAR(A2);MONTH(A2);1) to group by year & month.

This way you will keep values as dates and therefore be able to apply any kind of date formatting or sorting in your pivot table.

Explanation you can skip:

Instead of TEXT(A2, "YYYY-MM") converts value in text and therefore remove freedom about further date manipulation.

DATE(YEAR(A2);MONTH(A2);1) remove the day and time from the date so for example 2018/05/03 and 2018/05/06 both become 2018/05/01 which is still a date which can then be grouped together.

By applying a format "YYYY-MM" directly on the pivot table you reach the same result.

You need to use an array approach. How to combine arrays you can learn here https://stackoverflow.com/a/42488671/1393023

Foremost QUERY

It's simple and transparent

  "select Col1,sum(Col2) group by Col1"


Just combine the functions to a chain


My example

I was working with a similar issue. I found this formula to work well.

=SUMIF(ARRAYFORMULA(MONTH('Sheet1'!A:A)), A2, 'Sheet1'!B:B)

In cell A2 I put the month I wanted totaled.



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