
Selecting data from two tables using Mysql stored procedures

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-02 21:58 出处:网络
I have to select data from two tables with following criteria, lets say there are two tables as,, Table one

I have to select data from two tables with following criteria,

lets say there are two tables as,,

Table one

id | itemName | Quantity | companyName

1    bread      25         the Baker pvt ltd
2    butter     30         green famers

Table two

id | itemName | itemPrice

1    bread    开发者_开发知识库  30.50      
6    jam        80.25

what I need is,

select items out of two tables which their ids are matching and the quantities of them should be multiplied by the unit price if ids are matching. The rows which don't have matching ids should be selected but their quantities should not multiplied.

   SELECT o.id, o.itemName, o.companyName, o.Quantity * IFNULL(t.itemPrice, 1) total
     FROM one o
LEFT JOIN two t 
       ON o.id = t.id

Something like this should work ...

Select a.id, a.itemName, a.companyName, a.Quantity * IFNULL(b.itemPrice,1) As total
From table1 as a 
Left Join table2 as b on a.id = b.id


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