On the left of the page I have a list of links, they load a page in a div block is called "contained".
<div id="contenue"> </ div>.
In the head section and I called the page file Js:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="jabbax.js"></ script>.
For links must be of this type:
<a href="#" onclick="javascript:getPage('chargement_div/details.php','contenue');"> left box </ a>.
The link consists of following JavaScript function on the file containing the code Js Ajax, with a parameter, the name of the page, and name of the div block which will appear in the page.
loading the pagedetails.php
without reloading the entire page is working very well.
PROBLEM: the details.php page contains a JavaScript that is not displayed, in other words, only the html code is displayed in the div.
This is the content of detail.php
<script type="text/javascript" >
var chartData = [
{country:"var1",litres:Math.round(<?php echo $pr_var1;?>)},
{country:"var2",litres:Math开发者_StackOverflow.round(<?php echo $pr_var2;?>)},
{country:"var3",litres:Math.round(<?php echo $pr_var3;?>)},
{country:"var4",litres:Math.round(<?php echo $pr_var4;?>)}];
window.onLoad=function() {
var chart = new AmCharts.AmPieChart();
chart.dataProvider = chartData;
chart.titleField = "country";
chart.valueField = "litres";
chart.depth3D = 10;
chart.angle = 12;
chart.labelRadius = -30;
chart.labelText = "[[value]]%";
chart.balloonText="[[title]] : [[value]]%"
chart.position = "center";
var legend = new AmCharts.AmLegend();
legend.position = "right";
legend.borderAlpha = 0.5;
legend.horizontalGap = 20;
legend.markerType = "circle";
legend.switchType = "x";
<div id="chartdiv" style="height:350px;position: relative;" ></div>
Can you help me ?
are you sure your echoing it? also the javascript wouldn't run if you just load it via ajax. not sure how to get it to run in plain javascript I use jQuery.Also if you dont need it to be ajax you can use a php include.