I used -f
header as like in mail($to, $subject, $message, $header, "-fwww.xxxx.com")
but it doesn't actually working out.
"Mailed-By: www.xxxx.com"
Does not work !
Use this:
"-f info@yourdomain.com "
Persian Language:
کد های قبلی کار نکردند و به جای اون ها از کد
"-f info@yourdomain.com "
استفاده کردم و جواب گرفتم... موفق باشید
try to change
"Mailed-By: www.xxxx.com"
Just add "Mailed-By: www.xxxx.com\r\n"
to the beginning of $header. Make sure the line ends with \r\n. You shouldn't need the -f parameter. Post the code you have so far if that isn't working.