I am having trouble making any "common" WYSIWYG work with Rails. We even had to do one ourselves with RedCloth for the moment.
I tried to use tinymce-rails but couldn't make it w开发者_如何学编程ork. Also tried nicEdit which worked but only when you called the online library (and also looks abandoned).
Has anyone worked with a good WYSIWYG that is jQuery and Rails 3.1 (Sprockets) friendly?
I use ckeditor in my Rails 3.1 app.
Just throw the folder into you lib/assets/javascripts and whenever you need it reference it like this:
= javascript_include_tag "ckeditor/ckeditor.js"
And in javascript:
CKEDITOR.replace( 'input',
// Optional params:
skin : 'office2003',
height: '700px'
After struggling with this issue for quite awhile, I came up with a solution for using the standard tinyMCE with Rails 3.1 and the asset pipeline.
- I started with the tinyMCE jQuery package.
- Create a directory in vendor for tinyMCE:
- Place only
inside of/vendor/assets/javascripts/tiny_mce
- Place the remaining tinyMCE files in a directory in your
folder, inside of a directory calledtiny_mce
Add tinyMCE to your
like so://=require jquery ... //=require tiny_mce/jquery.tinymce.js
I initialize tinyMCE in my
as well, and set ascript_url
path to tell tinyMCE that it's supporting files now live in mypublic/javascripts/tiny_mce
directory:$('.tinymce').each(function(i){ $(this).tinymce({ script_url : '/javascripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js', ...
That should work. Now you are using the asset pipeline to load tinyMCE, and serving the supporting assets and javascripts from the public directory.
The Mercury Editor looks promising. I'm planning to try it on my next rails project.
Try MarkitUp
Luuf already mentioned Aloha-Editor. Though it's still under heavy development it looks quite promising.
Just put a aloha-config.js file anywhere in your asset path, the aloha-files goes to (i.e.) vendor/assets.
Example config:
(function(window, undefined) {
if (window.Aloha === undefined || window.Aloha === null) {
var Aloha = window.Aloha = {};
Aloha.settings = {
logLevels: {'error': true, 'warn': true, 'info': true, 'debug': false, 'deprecated': true},
baseUrl: "/assets/lib",
errorhandling: false,
plugins: false
The line "baseUrl" is most important. Setting it to /assets/lib seems to ensure compability with the asset pipeline.
Haven't tried concatenation yet, will post a comment when I know how it behaves.
Aloha Editor
It's tough between that & Mercery - but Aloha has a nicer "feel" and it has wider browser support.