
Group comments by same entry, order by date

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-02 17:19 出处:网络
I have table called comments with following structure: id | entry_id | date | comment I also have a table called entries with following structure:

I have table called comments with following structure:

id | entry_id | date | comment

I also have a table called entries with following structure:

entry_id | title | date | entry

I just want to show recent comments and entries, to which these comments were added.

Now I'm using this query:

SELECT c.id,
FROM   entries e
       INNER JOIN comments c
        ON e.entry_id = c.entry_id

And I output the results so:

  1 hour ago:
  Some comment

  2 hours ago:
  Some 开发者_如何学Pythoncomment    

Comments are ordered by date. What I'm trying to do is simply group comments by same entry_id, e.g.:

  1 hour ago:
  Some comment

  2 hours ago:
  Some comment without  repeating the `entry_id`

#other entry_id
  5 hours ago:
  Some comment

How would I do that? No need to write a code for me, just say how would you do that (in pseudo code, for example). This is comments grouping like on facebook or google+ stream, I hope you understand what I mean.

Used this: Grouping arrays in PHP

I think I shouldn't write so much details about my MySQL tables structure, done it with PHP and arrays. Thanks to all for attention.

$groups = array();

foreach($items as $item)
    $groups[$item['value']][] = $item;

I would imagine you do a query such as this one

  e.entry, e.title, c.comment, c.date
  comments c join entries e on c.entry_id = e.entry_id
order by 
  e.entry_id, c.date desc

and the loop over your result set while entry_id is still the same. Although I'm not sure based on your question where you want the output. In the code or in the sql editor.

First group by the entry_ID and then group by the max date. What you care about is the most recent one. (This is how Facebook does it at least.)

Here is the code in TSQL

In the inner query I select the entry_id and the latest comment's date.

Then I link to that list ordering by either the latest comment or the latest entry (depending on what happened most recently) and then ordering them by entry_id (so all of an entries comments will be first and finally by the date so the comments within an entry will be in the correct order.

Note: I did not test this code so it might have some typos.

  (SELECT e.entry_id, MAX(c.date) as latest
  FROM   entries e
  INNER JOIN comments c ON e.entry_id = c.entry_id
  GROUP BY e.entry_id DESC, max(c.date)
LEFT JOIN entries e ON e.entry_id = LIST.entry_ID
LEFT JOIN comments c on c.entry_ID = LIST.entry_ID
ORDER BY MAX(e.date,list.latest) as time_of_entry_or_comment DESC,
                                    c.date DESC


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