i'm currently implementing a localized website. I've created a custom ResourceProvider + Factory for storing resources in a database. This all works, i'm storing data as follows:
resourceid | url (null) | type (null) | name | culture (null) | value
1 | NULL | Common | Test | NULL | Hi
2 | ~/Views/Products/Index.aspx | NULL | Products | NULL | Products
I've stored a Global (Test) and a Local (Products) resource in the above sample if i'm correct?
I'm using this implementation of ResourceHelpers (link) (code below). This should allow me to display resources based on the following code:
Global resources: This works (output: "Hi")
<% =Html.Resource("Common, Test") %>
Local resources: Here is the problem, this doesn't work, what's going on??
<% =Html.Resource("Products") %>
The first code sample outputs "Hi" as expected. However the second code sample throws an exception (The resource object with key 'Products' was not found.) (i've marked the line in code below ~line 17). yes, i'm calling the second line on "~/Views/Products/Index.aspx"
Here's the Helper code i'm using:
<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
Public Function Resource(ByVal htmlhelper As HtmlHelper, ByVal expression As String, ByVal ParamArray args As Object()) As String
Dim virtualPath As String = GetVirtualPath(htmlhelper)
Return GetResourceString(htmlhelper.ViewContext.HttpContext, expression, virtualPath, args)
End Function
<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
Public Function Resource(ByVal controller As Controller, ByVal expression As String, ByVal ParamArray args As Object()) As String
Return GetResourceString(controller.HttpContext, expression, "~/", args)
End Function
Private Function GetResourceString(ByVal httpContext As HttpContextBase, ByVal expression As String, ByVal virtualPath As String, ByVal args As Object()) As String
Dim context As New ExpressionBuilderContext(virtualPath)
Dim builder As New ResourceExpressionBuilder()
'The following line throws the exception
Dim fields As ResourceExpressionFields = DirectCast(builder.ParseExpression(expression, GetType(String), context), ResourceExpressionFields)
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(fields.ClassKey) Then
Return String.Format(DirectCast(httpContext.GetGlobalResourceObject(fields.ClassKey, fields.ResourceKey, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture), String), args)
End If
Return String.Format(DirectCast(httpContext.GetLocalResourceObject(virtualPath, fields.ResourceKey, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture), String), args)
End Function
Private Function GetVirtualPath(ByVal htmlhelper As HtmlHelper) As String
Dim virtualPath As String = Nothing
Dim controller As Controller = TryCast(htmlhelper.ViewContext.Controller, Controller)
If controller IsNot Nothing Then
'Dim result As ViewEngineResult = FindView(controller.ControllerContext, htmlhelper.ViewContext.ViewName)
Dim result As ViewEngineResult = FindView(controller.ControllerContext, GetViewName(htmlhelper.ViewContext.View))
Dim webFormView As WebFormView = TryCast(result.View, WebFormView)
If webFormView IsNot Nothing Then
virtualPath = webFormView.ViewPath
End If
End If
Return virtualPath
End Function
Private Function FindView(ByVal controllerContext As ControllerContext, ByVal viewName As String) As ViewEngineResult
' Result
Dim result As ViewEngineResult = Nothing
' Search only for WebFormViewEngine
Dim webFormViewEngine As WebFormViewEngine = Nothing
For Each viewEngine In ViewEngines.Engines
webFormViewEngine = TryCast(viewEngine, WebFormViewEngine)
If webFormViewEngine IsNot Nothing Then
Exit For
End If
result = webFormViewEngine.FindView(controllerContext, viewName, "", False)
If result.View IsNot Nothing Then
result = webFormViewEngine.FindPartialView(controllerContext, viewName, False)
End If
' Return
Return result
End Function
Private Function GetViewName(ByVal view As IView) As String
Dim viewName As String = Nothing
If TypeOf view Is WebFormView Then
viewName = Path.Get开发者_开发知识库FileNameWithoutExtension((DirectCast(view, WebFormView)).ViewPath)
End If
Return viewName
End Function
Turns out the resources weren't being saved automatically during the request..