I am working though a C++ book trying to learn some things. I am stuck on one thing, the bitwise not. I understand it flips all the bits but it is not working how I expect in C++. Here is the relevent code.
letter = 'A'; // dec = 65 hex = 0x41 binary = 0100 0001
cout << endl << "Bitwise NOT" << endl;
cout << "Letter: " << letter << " = " << insertSpaces(toBinary(letter)) << endl;
int notletter = ~letter;
cout << "~Letter: " << notletter << endl;
string insertSpaces(string binary)
// insert spaces into a binary number string for readability
int pos = 4;
int len = binary.length();
while (pos < len)
binary.insert(pos, " ");
pos = pos + 5; // 5 because it includes space
len++; // space makes length longer
return binary;
string toBinary(int letter)
string result = "";
while (letter > 0)
result = t开发者_如何学PythonoString(letter % 2) + result;
letter /= 2;
int rem = result.length() % 4;
if (rem > 0)
int zeros = 4 - rem;
for (int i = 0; i < zeros; i++)
result = "0" + result;
return result;
Here is the output.
Bitwise NOT
Letter: A = 0100 0001
~Letter: -66
The answer should be 190 or 1011 1110 in binary so why did I get -66? I am using Visual C++ 2010.
Use an unsigned integer rather than a signed one. The reason you got a negative number is because most computers today use two's complement.
This is what your data looks like before and after the bitwise not:
before | after
0100 0001 | 1011 1110
(actually there's probably 32 bits there since you're using an int
and not a char
; the best type to use here would probably be uint8_t
In two's complement, a number is negative if the most significant bit is 1. After the not, it is. In two's compliment, to negate a number, you take the bitwise not and add 1. If you take 1011 1110
and invert it, you get 0100 0001
. Now you add one, resulting in 0100 0010
. If you convert that to decimal, you get 66. Add the minus since the first bit was one, and you get -66, the unexpected value.
You are dealing with a signed number in Two's Complement. The value has exceeded the largest positive value (127) and wrapped to the negative space.
You can print it as an unsigned character/integer (i.e., (unsigned int)notletter
or static_cast<unsigned int>(notletter)