I need this:
<div>some text [img]path_to_image.jpg[\img]</div>
<div>some more text</div>
<div> and some more and more text [img]path_to_image2.jpg[\img]</div>
<div>some text <img src="path_to_image.jpg"></div>
<div>some more text</div>
<div>and some more and more text <img src="path_to_image2.jpg"></div>
This is my try and also fail
var input = "some text [img]path_to_image[/img] some other text";
var output = input.replace (/(?:(开发者_Python百科?:\[img\]|\[\/img\])*)/mg, "");
//output: some text path_to_image some other text
Thanks for any help!
A regexp like
var output = input.replace (/\[img\](.*?)\[\/img\]/g, "<img src='$1'/>");
should do
The ouptut of your test is then some text <img src='path_to_image'/> some other text
You don't need a regex, just do:
var output = input.replace ("[img]","<img src=\"").replace("[/img]","\">");
Your input example terminates with [\img]
not [/img]
as your RE searches for.
var input = '<div>some text [img]path_to_image.jpg[\img]</div>\r\n'
input += '<div>some more text</div>\r\n'
input += '<div> and some more and more text [img]path_to_image2.jpg[\img]</div>'
var output = input.replace(/(\[img\](.*)\[\\img\])/igm, "<img src=\"$2\">");
<div>some text <img src="path_to_image.jpg"></div>
<div>some more text</div>
<div> and some more and more text <img src="path_to_image2.jpg"></div>
Here's my solution
var _str = "replace 'something' between two markers" ;
// Let both left and right markers be the quote char.
// This reg expr splits the query string into three atoms
// which will be re-arranged as desired into the input string
document.write( "INPUT : " + _str + "<br>" );
_str = _str.replace( /(\')(.*?)(\')/gi, "($1)*some string*($3)" );
document.write( "OUTPUT : " + _str + "<br>" );