I`v been upgrading CakePHP from 1.2.10 to 1.3.11 by using "Migrating from CakePHP 1.2 to 1.3" Guide and i'm aware that i must ensure that my routes are compatible with 1.3.
However my routes don't do anything that's incompatible:
This is no longer supported as mid-route greedy stars behaved erratically, and complicated route compiling. Outside of these two edge-case features and the above changes the router behaves exactly as it did in 1.2
The other edge case is:
First path segments using full regular expressions was removed.
How my routes behave:
- When opening homepage, doesn't work, however on 1.2 it sucessfully matched route #1 (solved by Ivo)
- /lv/products *doesn't work*. Should have matched #6 using controller "Products" and default action "index" but it thinks that "lv" is controller (ignoring the :lang param)
- /lv/products/index works!
- /lv/products/view/productname works!
Cake provides errors similar to this error (copied when opening /lv/products:
Missing Controller
Error: LvController could not be found.
Error: Create the class LvController below in file: app\controllers\lv_controller.php
class LvController extends AppController {
var $name = 'Lv';
My routes:
//Route #1: This route should have worked as a root route, because we have a default for :lang. But now i cannot open up the homepage if i don't define explicit "/" route
array("controller" => "start", "lang" => "lv"),
array("lang" => "[a-z]{2}")
//#2 This route seems to work ok.
array("lang" => "lv", "admin" => true),
array("lang" => "[a-z]{2}")
// ==============================================================================
//#3 Routes with static parts - works
array("controller" => "sections", "action" => "view", "lang" => "lv"),
array("lang" => "[a-z]{2}")
array("controller" => "news", "action" => "listall", "lang" => "lv"),
array("lang" => "[a-z]{2}")
array("controller" => "employees", "action" => "index", "lang" => "lv"),
array("lang" => "[a-z]{2}")
// ==============================================================================
//#6 Catch all route.
array("lang" => "lv"),
array("lang" => "[a-z]{2}")
Thank you for any assistance.
For a default root, I would guess that you want '/'
, or '/<param>'
expects something to be there for lang - it's not optional, afaik. Try '/:lang'