I am trying to develop a “connect with facebook” with ASP.NET 3.5 and have followed lots of articles but I am not able to get it working. Most of the developers who spoke about this matter end up referring to the below article: devtacular.com/articles/bkonrad/how-to-retrieve-user-data-from-facebook-connect-in-aspnet/
I followed that article, but the only thing I was able to get working was checking the authentication status of the current user: devtacular.com/articles/bkonrad/how-to-integrate-with-facebook-connect/
However, trying to read users’ data gives me the following error all the time (although the same key was used in the previous successful test! - checking the authentication):
Invalid API key specified The app you are trying to access does not exist or has been disabled.
The link to the 2 pages I developed are below, you may try them to see what I have done: http:开发者_如何转开发//www.myifaworld.com/desktopModules/facebook/connect.aspx (the connect method - works fine) http://www.myifaworld.com/desktopModules/facebook/bkonrad_1.aspx (reading users data - error)
I basically want users to click on the “connect with facebook” on my page to login using facebook and my code reads users’ info and save the users’ basic information to my database.
Any help is highly appreciated!
Checked your both pages Your user data page gives below error. FB.Event is undifined.
and also you dont have the refeence to the fb script above your code.
try adding these lines in your code above FB.Init
<div id="fb-root"></div>
<script src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js"></script>
Read my blog for deail facebook connect integration http://codethatworkedforme.blogspot.com/2011/08/facebook-connect.html