I am generating the html using JSON file. Now I need to pass data to the servlet. But the data being passed shows null. I am using jQuery post to pass the data.
My js file has
$('body #tabs #tabs-3 #server').append(this.display_name).append(INPUT_CHECKBOX).attr({name:this.name,type:this.type}).append(NEWLINE);
var radio = '';
var len = feild.values.length;
for (var i = 0; i< len; i++)
radio +='<input type="radio" name="group2">'+feild.values[i];
$('body #tabs #tabs-3 #server').append(this.display_name).append(radio).attr({name:this.name,type:this.type}).append(NEWLINE);
The post method contains
function forwarddata()
alert('inside the function');
items:$('input[type=checkbox]').val()!= undefined,
stores:$('input[type=checkbox]').val()!= undefined
Myjson file has
{ "display_name":"items:",
{ "display_name":"stores:",
When I try printing the data in the servlet it says null... Kindly explain the correct way of posting the data.
It looks to me like you need to format your data into a proper url with parameters --
http://whatever.com/my.php?gender=male& etc.
Depends on what type of script you have receiving the data, but that's the way I like to do it.
$('input[type=checkbox]').val()!= undefined
will give you true/false, I hope you are not looking for that. Try this
function forwarddata()
alert('inside the function');
I changed my JSON data.Added name attribute and the below function worked just fine Thanks:)
function forwardserverdata()
alert('inside the function');
{gender:$('body #tabs #tabs-3 #server input:radio[name=gender]:checked').val(),
items:$('body #tabs #tabs-3 #server input:checkbox[name=items]:checked').val()!= undefined,
stores:$('body #tabs #tabs-3 #server input:checkbox[name=stores]:checked').val()!= undefined