In Windows we can get a unique string which represents the BIOS (unique to that machine)
Is there anything comparable in SQL Server where I can return the Identity or BIOS of that SQL Serve开发者_如何学JAVAr installation (unique to that installation?)
A MAC address, maybe... although there could be more than one per machine.
CREATE TABLE #ipconfig(info varchar(256) null)
INSERT INTO #ipconfig EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'ipconfig/all'
SELECT SubString(info, CharIndex(':', info) + 1, 99) AS MAC FROM #ipconfig
WHERE info Like '%Physical Address%'
DROP TABLE #ipconfig
I have built as extended stroed procedure as bridge to WMI you could just query
exec xp_wmiv3 'SELECT * FROM Win32_BIOS'
It can be downloaded at Versions contained for 32bit and 64bit Servers