I've an app which works fine in development and on my current production server.
I want to move it to FREE heroku (basic config: 1 dyno, 1 worker).
Unfortunately, the pdf generation (using PdfKit) is ok BUT without the pictures defined in my CSS.
I've followed a lot of tips including:
Found a workaround but I am still eager to know a better option:
I duplicated my view: one dedicated for html, another for pdf.
I removed all css using pics and put it in a separate file, included only in the view dedicated for html
finally, I inserted the css in the view dedicated to the pdf:
.foo { background-image:url(<%= Rails.root %>/public/images/bar.png) }
Very Ugly but works so please tell me if you've better
It's probably an issue with the way the url's are specified in the css. As I recall, they should be file system absolute paths. What does your css look like?
Here is how I answered my needs with:
Just one single view file
Just one css file
The trick was to pass the proper base_url to the css file dynamically, given I expected a pdf or html.
I decided to use LESS. Style compiles css in a different manner, given the base-url I provide in the DOM. This base-url is generated by a helper.
Here were my steps:
changed my
Added to my view:
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "style.less", :rel => "stylesheet/less" %> <script id="base_url" type="text/javascript" data="<%= assets_path %>"></script> <%= javascript_include_tag "less.min.js" %>
- In my helper:
def assets_path if request.fullpath.include? ".pdf" "#{Rails.root.join('public',"images","pictos")}" else "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}/images/pictos" end end
- and in my
@base_url: `document.getElementById('base_url').getAttribute('data')`; .foo { background-image:~"url(@{base_url}/bar.png)" }