How can I check if the browser support HTML5 file upload (FormData object)?
var fd = new FormData();
Following the answer from this post, but the code does not return correct answer about the browser,
window.onload = function()
if (!!window.FileReader)
alert('not supported');
Firefox - supported
Chrome - supported
Opera - supported
Safari - not supported
IE9 - not supported
But the correct browser support sh开发者_如何学Could be,
Firefox - supported
Chrome - supported
Opera - not supported
Safari - supported
IE9 - not supported
I have tested the html 5 file upload on Opera and it is not working for sure.
I am sure that safari supports html 5 file upload.
Try if( window.FormData === undefined )
or if( window.FormData !== undefined )
function supportAjaxUploadProgressEvents() {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
return !! (xhr && ('upload' in xhr) && ('onprogress' in xhr.upload));
As FormData, the ability to send() one, and the upload property (and its onprogress event) are all part of XMLHttpRequest level 2, you can test for .upload to see if you've got a level 2. I don't have a Mac handy, but the function (sadly, but correctly) returns false for Opera 11.50 (and true for Firefox 4).
function supportFormData() {
return !! window.FormData;
This is the one-liner I use to check if the browser supports FormData and upload progress, in jQuery:
var xhr2 = !! ( window.FormData && ("upload" in ($.ajaxSettings.xhr()) );
You could may be use the workaround provided by this library.
On Safari 5.1.7 , Firefox <6, Opera < 12.14 form data is suported but it is buggy.
Safari will return file size 0
Opera does not support append method of form data
firefox <6 does not work correctly
You need to check if the browser supports the HTML5 file API. I do that by checking if the FileReader function is set, if it’s not set it means that the browser won’t support the file API.
// Check if window.fileReader exists to make sure the browser supports file uploads
if (typeof(window.FileReader) == 'undefined')
alert'Browser does not support HTML5 file uploads!');