We have an issue with TS min_inflex_len and delta indexes on our production servers
I have everything working in development mode on OSX but when we deploy via capistrano to our Ubuntu server running passenger / apache, both delta indexing seems to stop as well as min_inflex_len
We're deploying as ubuntu us开发者_高级运维er which also runs apache. We had an issue yesterday with production folder not being created but we manually created and I can see a list of the delta files in there now.
I've followed the docs through..
I can see the delta flag set to true on record creation but when searching it doesn't find the record. Once we rebuild index (as ubuntu user) I can find record, but only with full string.
My sphinx.conf file is as follows:
enable_star: 1
min_infix_len: 3
bin_path: "/usr/local/bin"
version: 2.0.5
mem_limit: 128M
searchd_log_file: "/var/log/searchd.log"
min_infix_len: 3
bin_path: "/usr/local/bin"
version: 2.0.5
mem_limit: 128M
Rebuild, start and conf work fine and my production.conf file contains this:
index company_core
source = company_core_0
path = /var/www/html/ordering-main/releases/20110831095808/db/sphinx/production/company_core
charset_type = utf-8
min_infix_len = 1
enable_star = 1
I also have this in my production.rb env file:
ThinkingSphinx.deltas_enabled = true
ThinkingSphinx.updates_enabled = true
My searchd.log file only has this in:
[Wed Aug 31 09:40:04.437 2011] [ 5485] accepting connections
Nothing at all appears in apache error / access log
-- EDIT ---
define_index do
indexes :name
has created_at, updated_at
set_property :delta => true
Not sure if it's the cause, but the version values in your sphinx.yml are for the version of Sphinx, not Thinking Sphinx - so you may want to run indexer
to double-check what that value should be (likely one of 0.9.9, 1.10-beta or 2.0.1-beta).
Also: on the server, in script/console production
, can you share the full output of the following (not interested in the value returned, hence why I'm forcing it to be an empty string - it'll just get in the way otherwise):
Company.define_indexes && Company.index_delta; ''
`` delta not working on production server for passenger user, you have to give the write permission to your passenger user when creating index and write it to db/sphinx/production folder.
Or you can set two line in your nginx/conf/nginx.conf
passenger_user_switching off;
passenger_default_user root;
passenger_root /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/passenger-3.0.0;
passenger_ruby /usr/local/bin/ruby;
passenger_user_switching off;
passenger_default_user root;