does someone maybe have sample code how to replace a java List (LinkedList or ArrayList) with something similar in BerkeleyDB? My problem is that I have to replace Lists to scale beyond main memory limits. Some simple sample code would be really nice.
I've now used a simple TupleBinding for Integers (keys) and a SerialBinding for the Diff-class (data values).
Now I'm receiving the Error:
14:03:29.287 [pool-5-thread-1] ERROR o.t.g.view.model.TraverseCompareTree - org.treetank.diff.Diff; local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = 8484615870884317488, local class serialVersionUID = -8805161170968505227 org.treetank.diff.Diff; local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = 8484615870884317488, local class serialVersionUID = -8805161170968505227
The listener and TransactionRunner classes which I'm using are:
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void diffListener(final EDiff paramDiff, final IStructuralItem paramNewNode,
final IStructuralItem paramOldNode, final DiffDepth paramDepth) {
try { PopulateDatabase(mDiffDatabase, mKey++, new Diff(paramDiff, paramNewNode.getNodeKey(), paramOldNode.getNodeKey(), paramDepth)));
} catch (final Exception e) {
LOGWRAPPER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
private static class PopulateDatabase implements TransactionWorker {
private StoredMap<Integer, Diff> mMap;
private int mKey;
private Diff mValue;
public PopulateDatabase(final DiffDatabase paramDatabase, final int paramKey, final Diff paramValue) {
mMap = paramDatabase.getMap();
mKey = paramKey;
mVal开发者_运维问答ue = paramValue;
public void doWork() throws DatabaseException {
mMap.put(mKey, mValue);
I don't know why it doesn't work :-/
Edit: Sorry, I just had to delete the generated environment/database and create a new one.
I'm afraid, it wont be that simple. A first step, you might want to take is to refactor your code to move all accesses to the list into a separate class (call it a DAO, if you like). Then it will be a lot easier to move to a database instead of the list.
Berkeley DB is severe over-kill for this type of task. It's a fair beast to configure and set up, plus I believe the license is now commercial. You'll be much better off using a disk-backed list or map. As an example of the latter take a look at Kyoto Cabinet. It's extremely fast, implements the standard Java Collections interface and is as easy to use as a List or Map. See my other answer for example code.