I am implementing a monitoring and administrative MQ API using the WebSphereMQ java PCF (Program Control Format) library. What I would like to know is if the PCFAgent and/or the PCFMessageAgent classes are thread safe. The documentation does not make it clear [to me].
开发者_运维技巧If not, then I have 2 choices:
- Create a pool of agents
- Create (and disconnect) agents on demand.
Any insight into this issue is appreciated.
The important information you seek is probably on this page:
The main issue you will see is that the MQQueueManager object (that you either pass in, or is created for you) cannot really do 2 things at once on a single connection.
So if you have one Agent sitting on a get-with-wait waiting for a response to a big query (saying getting full details for thousands of queues) nothing else can be done using that connection until the reply comes back.
Connect/Disconnect are the biggest overhead when talking to MQ, so if you need multiple threaded access I would go with option 1 otherwise you'll pay a big penalty in performance having to wait for connect each time.