
GWT - Show a custom dialog before window close?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-01 16:37 出处:网络
I need to prompt the user to a site usability survey when the user navigate away from the site or try to close the site window. For example, when the user closes the window of my site, I want to show

I need to prompt the user to a site usability survey when the user navigate away from the site or try to close the site window. For example, when the user closes the window of my site, I want to show a prompt to say "do you want to take a survey?" , if the user clicks yet, open a new window with the survey link.

Is there a way in GWT to achieve that?

I have tried using Windows.addWindowCLosingHandler

but that only gave me the ability to set a message to ask if the user want to stay on the site or now using ClosingEvent event , event.setMessage("sure?");


You can use window.onunload but that will be called whenever the user changes the page

Also see here: How to catch user leaving a page and cancelling it

Use the unload method on the body:

<body onUnload="unloadFunction(); return false;">

Then something like this for your js:

function unloadFunction()
     if (confirm("Would you like to take our servey?"))
          window.location.href = 'location_of_your_survey'

     return false;


验证码 换一张
取 消
