
actionscript 3 file reference response data after uploading a file

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-01 14:46 出处:网络
I have written a ac3 script to upload files to remote servers and it is working as expected with all the events.

I have written a ac3 script to upload files to remote servers and it is working as expected with all the events.

From the server side script i am echoing some text according to the upload status and i want that status to be received in flash like response text in ajax.

Is it possible to receive response text from a server script after uploading a file.

Or it doesn't have to be a file upload yet i wanted to have the string echoed in the server side script as response text in flash.

If that is not po开发者_如何学运维ssible like ajax or normal request and response then is there another ways of achieving that?

Here is the code which gets executed when upload is complete.

fr.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, function(e:Event): void
    lblPer.text = 'Completed';
//  ExternalInterface.call("uploadError",e.target.data);


where fr is FileReference object.

Try listening for DataEvent.UPLOAD_COMPLETE_DATA. That should have a data property on it that you can read the response from.



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