Applications for Android devices are written in Java. I also know of the existence of the NDK (Native Development Kit).
I have a library written in C++ that uses:
- stl containers
- c++ i/o (streams etc..)
- memory allocation/deallocation using new etc...
Are all this things available to the programmer that want to use the NDK for C++ development?
I am confident that memory al开发者_如何学JAVAloc and stl are there, but what about I/O from files? Can i use istream/ostream? I ask because i have programmed apps on Symbian and i had to use RFile and other classes (there was no support for fopen/fread etc).
Yes, low level I/O is possible. fopen/fread are available from the first NDK release. istream/ostream are available since NDK r5 when STLport and GNU stl were added.