I'm looking for some advice on binding knockoutjs to a binary tree with dependentObservables.
I'm working on a web project that involves a binary tree in javascript. The binary tree implementation has been completed, and I'm running into a problem using it with Knockoutjs.
The binary tree doesn't really have any properties, only a few methods (addNode, inorderTraversal, getLength, getDepth, toJSON, etc), so I have no clue how to set it up as observable. I'd really just love to have a few dependentObservables that get some information from the binary tree.
As a simple example, I'd like to at least set up a dependentObservable for the length of the tree. It just never seems to get fired...
viewModel.TreeLength = ko.dependent开发者_StackOverflow中文版Observable(function(){
return this.bTree().getLength();}, viewModel);
The following adds the node to the tree, but the TreeLength never fires.
viewModel.bTree().addNode(new Node('some data'));
RP Niemeyer pointed me to the solution with valueHasMutated. The first round was just adding a call to viewModel.bTree.valueHasMutated() every time we worked with the tree.
Once this was proven to work, the code was refactored to pass a callback method to the tree, so that any time the tree changed, the callback would be invoked. We ran into some problems with closures, but finally got to the following:
function getCallBack(o)
var obj = o;
var func = function()
return func;
this.bTreeChanged = getCallBack(this);
model.bTree = new BinaryTree(model.treeData, this.bTreeChanged);