I have some repetitive select tags in my html therefore I want to create a custom select tag in play which will take as a parameter the name attribute of select (which can be done easily) and a list object through which I create option tags dynamically.
Basically开发者_如何学运维 I want to do something like this
////// custom tag stored in FormSelect.html///////
<select name="${_selectName}">
#{list ${_options}, as: 't'}
<option value="${t.Description}"> ${t.Description} </option>
///////calling the custom tag from another html file//////////
#{FormSelect selectName:'typ', options:types /}
#{FormSelect selectName:'reg', options:regions /}
types and regions variables are Vector and are forwarded from controller. I want ${_options} at select tag (inside #{list}) to take the values of types and regions
When I excecute the above code I get this exception
Template execution error
Execution error occured in template /app/views/tags/FormSelect.html. Exception raised was MissingMethodException : No signature of method: Template_1002.$() is applicable for argument types: (Template_1002$_run_closure1_closure2) values: [Template_1002$_run_closure1_closure2@127a1d8] Possible solutions: _(java.lang.String), is(java.lang.Object), run(), run(), any(), get(java.lang.String).
In /app/views/tags/FormSelect.html (around line 2)
1: <select name="${_selectName}">
2: #{list ${_options}, as: 't'}
3: <option value="${t.Description}"> ${t.Description} </option>
4: #{/list}
5: </select>
thx in advance
Instead of
#{list ${_options}, as: 't'}
<option value="${t.Description}"> ${t.Description} </option>
#{list items:_options, as: 't'}
<option value="${t.Description}"> ${t.Description} </option>
That should solve your current error.