What i want to do is the following: i have a table with a onclick attached to a link that resides in the table of an even row. every odd row is hidden. on a click on that link, the odd row is shown and data is loaded into that row. Works fine
Now what i want to do is that whenever that process is done, i want to attach a new click function to that link that makes the row hidden again. Kind of like toggle, but then with some more then just show/hide functionality. I tried to do that with the following code, but cant get it to work.
I surely miss something very basic or just do not know jquery well enough (which is very well possible, because i just got started for a few weeks ago).
// The version icons
$("a.version").click(function () {
var sLink = $(this).attr("href");
var nexttr = $(this).parent().parent().next("tr.version");
var nexttrtd = nexttr.find("td:first");
$.get(sLink, function(sData){
开发者_如何学Go nexttr.show();
return false;
function attachShowMyChildren()
var sLink = $(this).attr("href");
var nexttr = $(this).parent().parent().next("tr.version");
var nexttrtd = nexttr.find("td:first");
$.get(sLink, function(sData){
return false;
function attachHideMyChildren()
It opens the table row, inserts the data but then doesn't attach the function to close the row again. How can i get this to happen?
Any ideas?
The problem is this:
When you call a function that way this
becomes window
. Instead do this:
Also, you're adding click()
handlers without removing the old ones.
That being said, there is an easier way of doing this.
$("a.version").click(function() {
var next = $(this).closest("tr").next();
if (next.is(":hidden")) {
$.get($(this).attr("href"), function(sData) {
} else {
return false;
should about do it.