I am trying to figure out how values are assigned to the array called ipntr, which stor开发者_Go百科es pointers, in ARPACK. I am relatively new to fortran and I can't figure out exactly how the values of this array are initially set. The code I am looking at is an unsymmetric driver example dndrv1.f distributed with ARPACK and the portion I am not understanding is as follows
program dndrv1
integer maxn, maxnev, maxncv, ldv
parameter (maxn=256, maxnev=12, maxncv=30, ldv=maxn)
c %--------------%
c | Local Arrays |
c %--------------%
integer iparam(11), ipntr(14)
logical select(maxncv)
Double precision
& ax(maxn), d(maxncv,3), resid(maxn),
& v(ldv,maxncv), workd(3*maxn),
& workev(3*maxncv),
& workl(3*maxncv*maxncv+6*maxncv)
c %---------------%
c | Local Scalars |
c %---------------%
character bmat*1, which*2
integer ido, n, nx, nev, ncv, lworkl, info, j,
& ierr, nconv, maxitr, ishfts, mode
Double precision
& tol, sigmar, sigmai
logical first, rvec
c %------------%
c | Parameters |
c %------------%
Double precision
& zero
parameter (zero = 0.0D+0)
c %-----------------------------%
c | BLAS & LAPACK routines used |
c %-----------------------------%
Double precision
& dlapy2, dnrm2
external dlapy2, dnrm2, daxpy
c %--------------------%
c | Intrinsic function |
c %--------------------%
intrinsic abs
write(*,*) ipntr
The result of the write statement is:
1606679396 32767 1606696480 32767 1606918048 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Obviously there is nothing like ipntr(1) = 1606679396 so how have these values been assigned?
If the variables aren't assigned anywhere, then their values will be determined by whatever random byte sequence happens to reside in memory. You should see that re-running the program will produce a different output sequence.