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Closed 5 years ago.
Improve this questionI am looking for suggestions for the best way to document a replication configuration.
Currently the documentation is done in Excel (this sucks), where each dB has a tab & each table is listed in the corresponding dB tab, with ho开发者_开发技巧w it is replicated to/from the data center...etc.
What is the best way (dynamic creation would be GREAT) to do this?
I would suggest to look at data from system tables and use them for documentation
Which objects in the database are published?
Publish DB
- SELECT * FROM sysarticles
- SELECT * FROM syspublications
Distribution DB
- Use Distribution
- GO
- SELECT * FROM distribution..mspublications
- USE SubscriptionDB
- SELECT * FROM MSsubscriptions
- SELECT * FROM MSsubscriber_info
Hope it Helps.