I have a problem to show and hide some div. The only thing i have is a span with a class. Where we need to click on, to show or hide the div below the parent h2 I can't add some classe's to the h2 or div (this come from some cms, where we can't add a css class), so we need to do it with some jquery.
<span class="h2toggle">Heading (This shows an hide the div below)</span>
<p>Some text</p>
<p>More text</p>
<span class="h2toggle">Heading 2 (This shows an hide the div below)</span>
<p>Some text 2</p>
<p>More text 2</p>
Now i have something like the following code. But now, when the page will be loaded. The div around "some text" & "more t开发者_如何转开发ext" will we hidden. But you can see that it is not hidden from the beginning. It's sliding up.
It should be hidden ( the div with text ) from the beginning. Without seeing any change to the page. After that the page is loaded, it must be possible to toggle on the headings.
(function ($) {
$(function () {
$('.h2toggle').each(function () {
$('.h2toggle').click(function () {
var $span = $(this);
Demo, btw
To make them start hidden, use the following:
Unless I'm misunderstanding... Reference the H2, then grab the next div (which is declared below) and toggle its display.
If you want this more like a "show only one at a time" accordion, then I can revise the code, but I'm not interpreting it like that.
It appears that you are sliding everything up and then sliding everything down:
$('.h2toggle').click(function () {
Perhaps this would work:
$('.h2toggle').click(function () {
var visibleStuff = $(this).siblings(':not(h2):visible');
var hiddenStuff = $(this).siblings(':not(h2):hidden').slideDown();
Brad Christie is right, though... you just need to toggle.
$('.h2toggle').click(function () {
demo using ternary operators:
And it will act as a beautiful Accordion! (If other content is opened.. close it!)
$('.h2toggle').click(function() {
var d = $(this).parent('h2').next('div');
check = (d.is(':visible')) ?
(d.slideUp()) :
($('.h2toggle').parent('h2').next('div').slideUp()) (d.slideDown());
In this case, how ternary operators work:
_____statement___ __is is true_ __________________is false______________________________________________
| | | | | (do that) (and that too) |
(d.is(':visible')) ? ( d.slideUp() ) : ( $('.h2toggle').parent('h2').next('div').slideUp() ) ( d.slideDown() );
... And you'll get the smallest script to get an accordion!
Happy coding!
Slide is doing an animation, eventually hiding the element. Use Hide instead:
(function ($) {
$(function () {
$('.h2toggle').click(function () {