How to get ip address in i used below code to get local ip address but it showing dns is not declared. can any one tell me what is that Dns in the Code
VB Code
Imports System.Environment
Imports System.Net
Public Class Tester
Public Shared Sub Main
Dim hostname As String = Dns.GetHostName()
Dim ipaddress As String开发者_Python百科 = CType(Dns.GetHostByName(hostname).AddressList.GetValue(0), IPAddr
Console.WriteLine("Computer Name: " & hostname & " IP Address: " & ipaddress)
End Sub
End Class
Since I get the feeling that, the question (in the title) is not fully answered yet ...
Dim hostName = System.Net.Dns.GetHostName()
For Each hostAdr In System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(hostName).AddressList()
' If you just want to write every IP
Console.WriteLine("Name: " & hostName & " IP Address: " & hostAdr.ToString()
' If you want to look if the device is member of a specific network
If hostAdr.ToString().StartsWith("192.168.1.") Then DoSomething() : Exit For
' I think you get the idea ^^
' ...
... obviously this is not exactly what the OP asked for, but just from the title and google links, this should answer what people coming here are looking for.
Btw GetHostByName()
seems to be deprecated, GetHostEntry()
like this works the same way, without throwing a warning.
is a class in the namespace System.Net
which provides functionality regarding the "Domain Name System" (thus the name Dns
) - see
Use this:
Hope this helps.
Dim hostName = System.Net.Dns.GetHostName()
For Each hostAdr In System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(hostName).AddressList()
' If you just want to write every IP
'Console.WriteLine("Name: " & hostName & " IP Address: " & hostAdr.ToString())
Me.RichTextBox1.Text = hostAdr.ToString
'If you want to look if the device is member of a specific network
' ...
ips = Dns.GetHostAddresses(hostname)
here is a sample codeMSDN
I found here a good example to get the own IP.
Dim _IP As String = Nothing
Dim _IPHostEntry As System.Net.IPHostEntry = System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(System.Net.Dns.GetHostName())
For Each _IPAddress As System.Net.IPAddress In _IPHostEntry.AddressList
If _IPAddress.AddressFamily.ToString() = "InterNetwork" Then
_IP = _IPAddress.ToString()
End If
Next _IPAddress
Return _IP
You can get local ip address of system using below code:
Dim host As String = System.Net.Dns.GetHostName()
Dim LocalHostaddress As String = System.Net.Dns.GetHostByName(host).AddressList(1).ToString()
Dim ipaddress As String =
This will most likely give IPv6 address
Dim ipaddress As String =
Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName).AddressList.FirstOrDefault(() => { },
(ip.AddressFamily = AddressFamily.InterNetwork)).ToString
This will give IPv4 address
My VB is rusty so here is a C# code that works for me.
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Sockets;
string IPaddress =
Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList[0].ToString(); //For Ipv6
string IPaddress =
Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList.FirstOrDefault(ip =>
ip.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork).ToString(); //For Ipv4
I hope this helps.