My webhost where our website is runs Python 2.4 & the website uses the SQLite3 python module (which is only part of Python 2.5 & up). This means that I cant use the module SQLite3开发者_如何学Go because its not part of Python 2.4.
Is there a way for me to upload the python SQLite3 module myself & just import/refernce that in my script? Do you know how I would do this?
Usually I would just install Python25 on my webhost home directory, but this webhost wont allow me to do this.
Is there any way I can just upload & import a specific module - coming from c++ it seems this must be possible right? Because in C++ I spend my whole life writting libraries & just importing specific parts of them & importing specific classes of a namespace & etc.
This very much depends about how much control your webhost gives you about the Python environment. For normal shared hosting, the runtime Python environment is fixed.